Construction Works - Runways and Taxiways

Information and Updates

Work 2024

Rehabilitation of the South Runway (06R-24L)


In order to maintain its facilities to reliability and safety standards, in 2024 ADM is beginning work for the rehabilitation of the South Runway.  This year, ADM will carry out the work for the rehabilitation of the eastern section of the runway (demolition, construction of the infrastructure including drainage and completion with concrete slabs), the expansion of the 24G holding bay and the rehabilitation of the Romeo taxiway, including electrical work.   

Work area:



In 2024, work will be carried in 2 phases:

Phase 1 :
From March 25 (6 a.m.) to May 16 (mid-day) - South Runway closed

During this period, flights will be using the North Runway (Dorval north, Saint-Laurent north, Ahuntsic-Cartierville).

Airport capacity will be reduced because of single runway operations. In order to maintain airport capacity in peak periods, NAV Canada will be using the following alternative take off flight paths.




Phase 2 :
From May 16 to November 15 - South Runway operational with reduced length

The runway's length is temporarily reduced during this phase of the work which modifies runway use.

During this period, NAV Canada is using runways as follows:

Take offs:

North Runway:

  • Primarily used for commercial flights

South Runway:

  • Some general aviation flights


North Runway:

  • Larger aircraft
  • Medium jets and smaller planes when required for operational reasons

South Runway:

  • Primarily used for medium jets and smaller planes

Alternative take off flight paths that were put in place by NAV Canada in Phase 1 of the work will again be used in Phase 2 to maintain airport capacity in peak hours.



Rehabilitation Project of the North Runway

December 1st, 2023
End of the work - Rehabilitation Project of the North Runway 


The work to complete the project for the rehabilitation of the North Runway is finished. On December 1st, the North Runway is closed from 9 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. to demobilize the construction site. As of mid-day, both runways will be operational and runway use will return to the usual way. For more information, see the Soundscape Newsletter.


In order to maintain its facilities to reliability and safety standards, ADM is carrying out work for the rehabilitation of the north runway. In 2023, work to complete the rehabilitation of the central section of the runway and work on Taxiway B and access roads that service the runway are scheduled in order to finalize the rehabilitation project of the north runway.

The north runway was closed from March 13 to June 23 for the construction of new concrete slabs on the central section of the runway as well as the associated electrical works.

The final stage of the north runway rehabilitation project will be done from September 11 to December 1st. The end of work, scheduled for November 17 was pushed back to December 1st, 2023.


Finalization of the north runway rehabilitation project
From September 11 to December 1st, 2023


Three phases:

  1. September 11 to October 30 Work - Taxiway B that services the north runway (06L-24R)
  2. October 30 to November 10 - North runway closed to finalize the rehabilitation work
  3. November 10 to December 1st -  Completion of work on Taxiway B

We invite you to view the following video for more information on the work.


See video


Phase 1
Work on Taxiway B – From September 11 to October 30

The work consists of finalizing the reconstruction of an access road as well as carrying out work on Taxiway B, that is parallel to the runway. (Excavation of the natural ground, construction of the infrastructure including drainage and finalization in concrete slab and electrical work).

During this period, the north runway will be operational, but Taxiway B will be closed, which will affect operations.

A taxiway is used by aircraft to get to the end of the runway for takeoff and to get to the terminal after landing.



From September 11 to October 30, runways will be assigned as follows:

Southwesterly winds: There will be no changes during southwesterly winds.


  • South runway (24L) - Dorval South (usually mainly used)


  • North runway (24R) - Saint-Laurent North, Ahuntsic-Cartierville (usually mainly used)



Northeasterly winds: The work will result in changes to runway assignments in northeasterly winds.


  • North runway (06L) - Saint-Laurent North, Ahuntsic-Cartierville
  • South runway (06R) - May be used by general aviation flights that are operated by small aircraft


  • South runway (06R) - Dorval South



Alternative Departure Flight Paths

To maintain the efficiency of operations during peak periods, alternative departure flight paths will be used during work on the taxiway.

These flight paths will be used in peak periods, in the morning, early afternoon, late afternoon/early evening. They will not be used at night.

Southwesterly winds - South runway takeoffs:

  • The alternative departure flight paths for jets that were introduced during the closure of the north runway in March 2022 and that were in place until the end of June 2023 will be reinstated during this phase of work.



Northeasterly winds - takeoffs from the north runway:

  • In addition to the usual flight path, a new alternative departure flight path for jets will be established during the work.
  • Currently, jets climb on the runway heading after takeoff until they reach an altitude of 3,000 feet before turning towards their destination route.
  • The new procedure will enable jets to turn quickly after takeoff to heading H040, and to climb on this heading until they reach 3,000 feet before turning. 

New flight path for jets:



Phase 2
North runway closed to finalize the rehabilitation work – October 30 to November 10
(because of weather conditions on October 30, the start of work was postponed to October 31)


The north runway will be closed for electrical work and final adjustments to the runway rehabilitation (pavement). This work will complete the rehabilitation of the runway.

During this period, flights will be assigned to the south runway, and the alternative departure flight paths that were used during the north runway closure in 2022 and 2023 will be reinstated from October 30 to November 10.




Phase 3
Completion of work on Taxiway B - October 30 to December 1st (The end of work scheduled for November 17 was pushed back to December 1st, 2023)


Work on Taxiway B will continue until December 1st. During this period, the runway use and alternative flight paths described in Phase 1 will be used again.

For more information, see the FAQ on the work and alternative fight paths.


Information on the alternative departure flight paths that were put in place in 2022:

During the closure of the north runway in the spring of 2022, NAV CANADA put in place alternative departure flight paths to ensure fluidity of operations in peak hours.

For safety reasons, NAV CANADA kept these alternative departure flight paths available during the winter transition. Indeed, it is preferable for air traffic control units to limit changes to procedures for short periods of time, considering the workload and training required.

In March 2022, ADM and NAV CANADA held four virtual information meetings to inform citizens on the alternative departure procedures during the work. For additional information on these procedures, we invite you to watch the recordings or to read the presentations of the meetings and the FAQ below.

Information Meetings

Tuesday, March 8, 2022 - For citizens of Dorval, Pointe-Claire and West-Island

Presentation - Departures Westerly Winds (Session of March 8, 2022 - 6 pm)

Recording of the session:


Wednesday, March 9, 2022 - For citizens of Saint-Laurent, Ahuntsic-Cartierville, Town of Mount-Royal, Villeray-St-Michel-Parc-Extension, Rosemont-La-Petite-Patrie, Laval

Presentation - Departures Easterly Winds (Session of March 9, 2022 - 6 pm)

Recording of the session:



Following are some photos of the work on the runway that was carried out from March 13 to June 23, 2023:

2023-04-03 - Piste-nord-mise-à-jour-photo1.jpg

Slab lifting

2023-04-03 - Piste-nord-mise-à-jour-photo2.jpg

Asphalt removal

2023-04-03 - Piste-nord-mise-à-jour-photo3.jpg

Slab removal

2023-04-03 - Piste-nord-mise-à-jour-photo4.jpg

Excavation at access roads crossing

2023-04-03 - Piste-nord-mise-à-jour-photo5.jpg

Concrete plants on the airport site