TSS Portal

Transport Canada is deploying a new Web portal for processing Transportation Security Clearance Applications (TSCA). This portal replaces the electronic signatures via Docusign.

 The Transportation Security Services (TSS) portal is a secure environment, accessible online.

 Starting March 7, 2024, any TSCA submitted for YUL and YMX airports will need to be transmitted via the TSS portal.

To Access the Portal

Authorized signing officers: an invitation email has been sent to signing officers holding a security clearance to activate their account.

Applicants: an activation email must be sent to each applicant by an authorized signing officer from the company they work for. This is done via the TSS portal. Once the invitation is received, the applicant must create their account, then submit their TSCA. Once the TSCA is submitted, the applicant can track the progress of their application via the portal.

Support Documents

For the account activation:

1. Sign-in with GCKey or with a Sign-in partner

a. Video tutorial: sign-in with the GCKey

b. Video tutorial: Sign-in Partner

2. Add two-step verification: read the tutorial

To Use the Portal:

Go to the portal and access the Support page from the upper-right corner, or view:

The User Guide for companies

Frequently Asked Questions


The Switch to the TSS Portal

1. When will the TSS Portal go live?

The TSS Portal is already up and running. From March 7, 2024, all TSC applicants will have to go through the platform to submit their TSCA.

2. The launch of the TSS Portal will take place on 7 March. What will happen exactly?

As of March 7, 2024, the form available on Transport Canada's website to submit a TSCA will no longer be available for YUL and YMX airports. Applicants will be required to use the TSS Portal.

3. I have been informed that I will not be able to be an authorized signing officer on the TSS Portal because I do not have a valid security clearance. Am I still considered an authorized signing officer at the APO?

No. With the introduction of the TSS Portal, the requirements to be an authorized signing officer at the APO have changed. It is now mandatory to hold a security clearance.

4. What are the benefits of the TSS Portal?

The TSS Portal helps avoid multiple TSCA, submitted multiple times due to errors. Indeed, if a TSCA needs to be changed, it is possible to do so from the platform, at any time in the process. The employer can track the status of their employees' requests, whether they are being processed, denied, or valid.

5. Is the duration and mode of operation of appointments at the APO affected by the new TSS Portal?

No, but it is recommended that you complete the TSCA at least 48 business hours before the appointment.

6. What documents will be processed via the TSS Portal?

Only TSCA are processed from the TSS Portal at this time. 


Docusign and the TSS Portal

1. Why switch from Docusign to the TSS Portal?

The TSS Portal simplifies the processing of TSCA by all parties involved. Among other things, it allows the applicant to make changes to their application while it is being processed by the APO or Transport Canada. It also gives better visibility into the status of an employer's TSC.

2. What happens to TSCA submitted via Docusign, before March 7?

Any TSCA submitted before to a TSCA March 7 via Docusign will be processed. Note that TSCA submitted through Docusign expire after 60 days.

3. My employee submitted a TSCA through Docusign before March 7th, and it was declined by the APO on (or after) March 7th. What should they do?

The employee will need to submit a TSCA through the TSS Portal, as Docusign will no longer be used as of March 7.

4. What are the main differences between the TSS Portal and Docusign?

With the TSS Portal, access is granted by invitation. Thus, an employee wishing to submit a TSCA must first have been invited by their employer (authorized signing officer) via the portal. Unlike Docusign, where it was not possible to modify a TSCA that had already been submitted, the TSS Portal allows for changes and corrections.


Account Activation

1. I did not receive the account activation email from Transport Canada. How do I get it?

Make sure you've checked your junk mail. The activation email comes from the tscmodernization-modernisationhst@tc.gc.ca address. If you are an applicant, contact your employer to have them send you the activation email again. If you are an authorized signing officer with a security clearance, write to BAPYUL@admtl.com.

2. I received the account activation email from Transport Canada, but the 4-day activation deadline has passed without me being able to activate the account. How do I activate my account?

Whether you are an authorized signing officer or an applicant, an authorized signing officer of your company can resend you a new activation email. If you are an authorized signing officer and no authorized signing officer in your company has been able to activate their account, write to BAPYUL@admtl.com.

3. I received the account activation email from Transport Canada, but I'm having trouble activating the account. How can I get help?

Refer to the Support Documents section further up this page. If necessary, Transport Canada can be contacted by email at: tscmodernization-modernisationhst@tc.gc.ca. Please provide a detailed description of the issue and screenshots. 

4. What is the purpose of the recovery keys obtained when creating an account on the TSS Portal?

When you activated your account, you were issued five (5) recovery keys. These keys allow you to access your account in the event that you no longer have access to the device configured for two-factor authentication.


TSS Portal Features

1. Will the automated emails received at 7 p.m. informing me of the authorizations issued by Transport Canada for my company still be sent by the APO?

Yes. In addition to these emails, the progress of the various TSCA can be tracked from the TSS Portal.

2. My employees are having difficulty with the TSS Portal. How can I guide them?

Once logged in to the portal, you can get help by visiting the Help page, accessible in the top right corner of the page. If necessary, Transport Canada can be contacted by email at: tscmodernization-modernisationhst@tc.gc.ca. Please provide a detailed description of the issue and screenshots.

3. I am an authorized signing officer and I am experiencing difficulties with the TSS Portal. How can I get help?

Once logged in to the platform, you can get help by visiting the Help page, accessible in the top right corner of the page. A user guide is also available further up this page. If necessary, Transport Canada can be contacted by email at: tscmodernization-modernisationhst@tc.gc.ca. Please provide a detailed description of the issue and screenshots.

4. Can the TSS Portal be used for transportation security clearance applicants using the short form (for federal government employees with security clearances)?

No, only regular TSCA can be processed through the portal at this time.

5. My company operates at YUL and YMX. How is it managed on the TSS Portal?

Each airport is considered a separate entity on the portal. An authorized signing officer be authorized for both airports. If an employee works at both sites, the request must be submitted from YUL.

6. How will I be notified when a security clearance has been issued by Transport Canada?

An automated email is sent daily to the authorized signing officers of the APO. The status of the issued authorizations can also be viewed on the portal, but there is no notification.

7. How do I track the status of my employees' security clearance applications?

The status of applications can be tracked from the TSS Portal. If necessary, refer to the user guide available further up this page or to the portal's Help page.

8. How will the applicant be notified if changes are required?

This process does not change. The APO or Transport Canada will contact the applicant. 

9. What email notifications will I receive in connection with the TSS Portal?

Automated messages will be sent by email, inviting you to log in to the portal to take an action. The details of the actions to be taken will be visible once logged in to the portal.

10. What email notifications will my employee receive in connection with the TSS Portal?

Automated messages will be sent by email, inviting you to log in to the portal to take an action. The details of the actions to be taken will be visible once logged in to the portal.

11. What information does the APO have access to on the TSS Portal?

The APO can review TSCA that have been sent by applicants and send them to Transport Canada.

12. My employees are having difficulty with the TSS Portal. How can I help them?

Refer to the user guide for companies available further up on this page or to the Help page on the portal. If necessary, Transport Canada can be contacted by email at: tscmodernization-modernisationhst@tc.gc.ca. Please provide a detailed description of the issue and screenshots.

13. The TSS Portal allows me to have an overview of the status of the authorizations of my company's employees. Can I see the status of authorisations that were issued before the launch of the TSS Portal?

No. You will only be able to see the status of applications that have been submitted from the portal.

14. Why does the expiry date of the security clearance on the TSS Portal differ from the expiry date of my employee's RAIC?

It is possible that the expiry date of the security clearance appearing on the TSS Portal differs from the date printed on the employee's RAIC. The date printed on the RAIC depends on the end date of the contract recorded in the company's file with the APO. 

15. I understand that I must hold a security clearance to be an authorized signing officer on the TSS Portal. Am I required to have an identity card in the restricted area "RAIC" (red card)?

No, you can hold a security clearance without having a RAIC. RAICs are issued by the APO only to individuals who demonstrate a need to possess them.

16. I am an authorized signing officer on the TSS Portal, but my security clearance has expired. Am I still an authorized signing officer on the TSS Portal even though I no longer have a security clearance?

If your authorisation has expired, you are no longer considered an authorized signing officer. However, if you have submitted a renewal application before the expiration, you remain an authorized signing officer while the renewal is being processed, until the authorization expires.

17. I am an authorized signing officer for an APO-registered company. I have a security clearance through another canadian airport. Can I be registered as an authorized signing officer on the YUL or YMX TSS Portal?

No. To be registered as an authorized signing officer on the YUL or YMX TSS Portal, your security clearance must have been issued at one of these airports.

18. How do I change my employee's occupation after creating their account?

1- On the home page, click on "Company TSCs".
2- Use the search bar to find the employee.
3- Click on "Modify" under "Quick actions" on the right-hand side of the page.
4- Click on the "Company Related Details" tab.
5- Finally, select the employee's position from the drop-down menu and click on submit to save the changes.


Adding employess on the TSS Portal 

1. My employee works for more than one company registered with the APO. How is this represented on the TSS Portal?

Only the employee's first employer can view the status of the employee's clearance on the TSS Portal for now.

2. A new employee must apply for a security clearance. How can I start the authorization application process via the TSS Portal?

Refer to the user guide for companies available further up on this page or to the Help page on the portal.