Departures - Arrive 3 hours in advance and use our Express Drop-Off areas

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Live information is provided by air carriers and is refreshed every 1 minutes. The information contained on this site may be incomplete, inaccurate or out of date at the time you consult it. All information on this site is subject to change without notice. We do not guarantee that this information is accurate, complete and up to date. We are not responsible for damages, caused directly or indirectly through the use or the inability to use such information.

Current waiting time

Wait times are assessed automatically as follows: on departure, the passenger’s boarding pass is scanned when he/she enters the queue, then again just before he/she begins the individual screening process and, on arrival, when the passenger lines up in the visitors or residents queue in the primary inspection area and again when he/she exits from the area behind the customs officers’ posts.

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