General tips
Speed up your process by taking advantage of a priority line
Transborder flights
All flights departing from YUL
The free YUL EXPRESS service allows you to set a specific time to access security checkpoints, up to 72 hours before your flight departure time.
Book your services in advance
Travel better prepared
Check your luggage before your flight
Visit the CATSA website for details on what is permitted in your checked and carry-on luggage.
Make sure to keep all your personal belongings (medication, wallet, passports, valuables, and electronic items) in your carry-on luggage.
Arrive 3 hours early, regardless of your destination
Plan your way to the airport, whether you are flying to an international, U.S., or domestic destination. Follow the link to the access page to determine the best option according to your needs.
Refer to Québec 511 to plan your travel to and from the airport.
Text your flight number to 23636 to find out the status of your flight. Standard text messaging rates apply.
As of June 4, take advantage of the East and West Express Drop-offs, giving you two additional options for getting around the YUL site more smoothly and giving you plenty of time to say goodbye to your loved ones. The drop-offs will be served by a shuttle service every five minutes, with a journey time of five minutes.